For compassionate care at any time of day, Start with Safe and call us at 336.758.5285

Our 24/7 confidential helpline is staffed by knowledgeable after-hours responders who can assist you in a time of need. Our helpline is available for students, parents, faculty, staff, and other campus professionals who have questions or concerns related to interpersonal violence.

Our after-hours responders can provide:

  • Immediate assistance to a person currently in crisis due to an incident of interpersonal violence (ex-dating/relationship violence, domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking, etc.)
  • Consultation with students, parents, faculty, and staff regarding concerns related to interpersonal violence
  • Safety planning
  • Connection to campus and community resources
  • Advocacy options for survivors
  • Accompaniment to the hospital for SANE exams
  • Accompaniment or connection to University Police or WSPD for concerns related to physical safety
  • Education on Safe Office services

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