Interpersonal violence general facts
Who experiences sexual assault?
These results are based on reported sexual assault. Due to a lack of reports made, the results found online can vary greatly. The common theme in all of the results was that women of color, disabled people, and trans people are at a greater disadvantage; they are also less likely to report.
By Race and Gender
- 34.1% of Native American cis women
- 24.4% of Mixed race cis women
- 18.8% of African American cis women
- 17.7% of White cis women
- 11.9% of Hispanic/Latinx cis women
- 6.8% of Asian/Pacific islander cis women
- 1 out of every 33 survivors are cis-men
- 1 in 2 trans people have been sexually assaulted at some point in their lives.
Every year, 7.5 million people are stalked in the U.S., yet the issue of stalking remains misunderstood, minimized, or missed entirely.
(Due to the lack of research on this topic, there is a significant gap in research about non-binary and trans people, as well as people of color).
- 64% of cis women were stalked by a former intimate partner.
- 44% of cis men were stalked by a former intimate partner.
- About 1 in 5 stalking victims are stalked by a stranger.
How do sexual assault and stalking impact mental health?
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Feelings of guilt
- Emotional numbing
- Substance Use Disorders
- Eating Disorders
Having a previous history of being a survivor and negative reactions from family, friends, and professionals worsens the impact of sexual violence on mental health. Because sexual trauma can have such a serious impact on mental health, it’s important that services and supporters consider and address the trauma that many individuals have experienced.
Check out our resources tab for more information on how to get help when you or a friend is dealing with trauma.